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My Weight Loss Journey - Hello Yo-Yo!

It's been a while since I've posted an update, and I have to say that this is a hard one to write -- but it must be done.

So what happened that was so terrible that I didn't want to talk about it? Well, I gained a pound or two back. I know exactly why and when it happened, and gaining that pound or two might not seem like a lot to some people, but when you're actively trying to lose weight, you definitely notice. You start feeling bloated again, and you know can tell by the way clothes fit. Now that I know I have gained back a pound, I am desperately trying to lose it again.

I have also noticed that I am hitting the yo-yo effect - gaining and losing weight. When I noticed I gained weight, I felt like a failure. Seriously, I felt like I had let myself down. I was upset with my myself, allowing the weight gain to happen. Then I realized that while yes, I had made a mistake in my diet, it gives me a chance to start again and work even harder.

Am I upset that I gain a few pounds? Absolutely! But do I let it get me down? Nope! I will just try and try again. I know I can lose this weight - it will just take a little more will-power and a lot more belief that I can do it.

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