As I said in a previous post, 2012 was the year for me to learn more about blogging and what it takes to make it work. So I decided to sit down and come with with a list of blogging goals for 2013.
Fitting Reviews & Giveaways
Don't worry- we will still offer plenty of reviews and giveaways for everyone. But instead of reviews that don't make sense, we have decided to have reviews and giveaways that are a better fit for our blog, our family, and that are tied in with seasons and Holidays.
Flash Giveaways- We want to be able to bring back the coupon flash giveaways, so starting in February, that's what we plan to do. We also might have flash giveaways for gift cards or other prizes.
Better Content
Sure, we are a blog about deals, mostly online. But Edge of Insanity originally started out as a way to save money when you can't coupon or don't know how to coupon. As you can see, we have start posting again about ways to save money in certain areas or cheap household hints. We also will start featuring recipes on a budget and cheap crafts that even adults will enjoy.
We will still post online deals, but not as much. If there is a deal that even WE won't pass up, we promise to post it.
If you have a household tip or want to see something, let us know.
Helping Other Bloggers
Since there are a lot of other bloggers out there that need help, we want to help them! So we will have posts about gaining interactive readership, the power of social media, and how to create a niche for yourself!
So we're not completely changing everything, but we want to make Edge of Insanity a better blog for you!
If you're a blogger, what goals do you have 2013? If you're not a blogger, what goals do you have for 2013?
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