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Stages of Beauty Review

As I’ve said before, keeping your skin healthy during the winter months is crucial. But also trying to keep your skin radiant and wrinkle free at the same time can be difficult.

Stages of Beauty have just made it easier. Stages of Beauty is a line of specialized beauty care, focusing on age-changed issues such as wrinkles, elasticity, and keeping your skin radiant. With age, our skin experiences several major changes; Stages of Beauty is formulated to work best for the age ranges that they are intended for.

RADIANCE Balancing
For women in their 20’s (like me!), the Radiance line focuses on preventative care, repairing and protecting skin against environmental damage and free radicals.

For women in their 30’s, the Harmony line focuses on promoting the skin’s natural ability to exfoliate and regenerate new skin cells while supporting collagen and elastin.

GRACE Neck Cream
For women in their 40’s, the Elegance line focuses on regaining the skin’s elasticity, firmness, and tone.

For women in their 50’s, the Grace line puts additional focus on hydration, restoration of the skin’s surface immunity, and balances the effect of hormones on the skin.

The best part is that all Stages of Beauty products are free of harsh chemicals, instead including ingredients right from nature, such as apple stem cells, Swiss cress extract, and even marine extracts. 

You can find Stages of Beauty on Facebook and Twitter.

You can purchase the complete Radiance line here.

I was able to review 3 products from the Radiance line, including the Treatment Cream, Cleanser, and Scrub.

The first thing I tried was the Scrub. It had a somewhat sweet scent, with just a hint of bamboo. Considering we have bamboo at a local park, I’m familiar with the smell of bamboo. LOL Anyways, it wasn’t as harsh a scrub as others I have tried. It lifted away any debris easily while not stripping away my skin. Afterwards, I could feel my skin tighten and it felt much healthier.

The Cleanser was next to have a chance. I have tried cleansers that burned or didn’t do anything. This one gently cleanses the skin and evens out the complexion. Since I have fought with acne my whole life, my complexion is a little off, making it hard to find makeup that works all over my face. But I have noticed that my complexion is evening out and my skin actually looks like its glowing!

My favorite has to be the Treatment Cream. Just a few pumps and you’re done for the day. It’s supposed to hydrate the skin, and that it does! Since my skin sometimes feels dry during the winter months, nothing is better than a hydrating cream that also calms and restores that youthful skin us 20-somethings are known for!

My skin is much healthier than it was before and I have Stages of Beauty to thank!

I was NOT compensated for this review. I received several FREE Stages of Beauty products to review. All thoughts/opinions are my own.

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