FAVE Juice is runner-approved!

This post was compensated. However, all thoughts/opinions belong to the reviewer. Your experience may differ.

Juice. It's everywhere; apple juice, orange juice, cranberry juice, prune juice, grape juice, V8... A lot of times, though, it's not very healthy - it's filled with sugar and preservatives. Don't get me wrong - I love juice! A nice big glass of cold OJ in the morning with my cereal? Yep! But all that sugar just makes me feel sluggish. What if there was a way to get your fruits and veggies without all that sugar (or sodium) and without sacrificing that delicious taste?

There's a juice called Fave Juice! It's an all natural 100% fruit and vegetable juice with 3 FULL servings of fruits and veggies with each 8oz glass! Seriously - if you're having trouble chowing down on fruits and veggies (because there are times you just want to scream if you eat another piece of broccoli), why not try a juice that gives you the fruits and veggies you need? (Just don't forget to still eat your fruits and vegetables. Those are important!)

Nutritional Value for Strawberry-Banana-Kiwi

Even better, there is less than 45mg of sodium and 60 calories in each serving. For a runner who is trying to watch her sodium content due to the fact that I gain water weight really easily, this is a no-brainer for me.

Fave Juice also comes in 3 delicious flavors (check out their ingredients!) - Strawberry-Banana-Kiwi, Pomegranate-Blueberry-Goji, and Tangerine-Orange-Pineapple. Yum!

It's a great alternative to fruit juices and soda, and it's also great for kids!

Be sure to follow Fave on Facebook!  You can also check out their store locator to see where it is available. (You can also purchase FAVE on Amazon.)

Ready for the taste test?

I love fruits and vegetables. But I also love juice. Where my Dad worked, he was able to bring home juice all the time. Granted, it wasn't the healthy kind, but it was still juice. Once I realized I needed a healthier alternative to those unhealthy juices and soda (which I still drink occasionally because I'm a Texan and Dr Pepper is life!), I went on a search.


I came across Face Juice and knew I had to try it! The first flavor I tasted was Strawberry-Banana-Kiwi, all 3 flavors I love... Never had them combined but it was worth a shot. You can definitely taste the veggies, which isn't a bad thing! You want to taste the veggies. But then you get that taste of strawberry, banana, and kiwi... I liked it a lot, especially VERY cold. It ended up being my favorite of the 3 flavors and I'll normally drink it after a run or workout.

Orange-Tangerine-Pineapple (with ice)

The Orange-Tangerine-Pineapple was definitely a combination I would have loved as a kid who always had juice with her morning cereal! It has become my go-to morning drink, after coffee, when I eat cereal in the morning. It's like drinking a glass of OJ, just a lot healthier and much more tasty. (Did I mention it also less sugar so it doesn't taste like you're just drinking a cup of sugar?)


As for the Pomegranate-Blueberry-Goji, that was a combination I never would have through of, but they go so well together! Kind of tart but with a sweetness behind it. If I didn't eat healthy that day, I'll relax at the end of the day with a glass of it and promise myself to do better tomorrow... Or the next day...

Fave Juice - runner and taste buds approved! (And can I just say that mixing the OTP and PBG flavors is awesome? Yeah, it is!)

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