Weigh In Week 1

This year, I decided to start a weekly weigh in series, to show the progression of not only my running, my journey to losing weight.

Let's go back to November. I weighed myself one morning, and noticed I weighed 275 pounds. At one point at the end of 2015, I easily weighed over 300, probably close to 350 or 375. I knew I had to make a change.

Back in July weighing in at 300
I knew I was tired of being overweight and unhealthy, so that's why I started running.

You'll notice that I don't have any full-length before photos. I was so insecure about my weight, I made sure I didn't appear full-length in any pictures.

Goal weight: 210lbs
Current weight as of February 2nd: 245lbs

Next weigh in: February 9th or 10th

Did you have any new years goals to lose weight this year? How are you doing so far?

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