Blogging Tip - Feeling burnt out on blogging?

Everyone gets burnout on something every know and then, whether it's working out, a certain food, or a favorite TV show. But if blogging is more than a hobby and you get burnout, it could cause not only your earnings to take a dive, but your traffic as well.

Do you know the signs of blogger burnout?

  • Getting up in the morning and dreading signing into your blogging accounts.
  • Putting off important work because "you don't feel like it".
  • Getting annoying with everything related to blogging.
  • You have to push yourself to finish whatever you're working on as quickly as possible so you can get on with your day.
  • You don't do any blogging work for a few days and avoid it at all costs.
If you have any of these signs, you may be close to suffering from total blogger burnout. I know I've had blogger burnout quite a few times as a blogger. A few years ago for about 6 months, everything seemed to be the same with no exciting changes. So after a while, I started thinking "Why bother?". I decided that I would take a few days off. Luckily, my blog wasn't as big as it is today, so I could afford to take a few days off. Well, it turned into a week off, just enjoying family and friends, and reading. 

When I decided to return back to blogging, I had fresher ideas and felt like I could conquer the world with my blog. For me, it was like taking a mini-vacation, and it worked - I no longer felt dread when it came to posting and social media.

So how you avoid blogger burn out and not worry that taking a mini-vacation will hurt your traffic?

Spend a day just focusing on social media. Retweet, share, or repin things you like and your audience might like.

If your blog is associated with your Pinterest account, spend some time (or a lot) on Pinterest.
It may seem like you're just "wasting time" but you could also be gaining new followers and more traffic to your blog.

Take a day off. If you really have nothing planned for a day (besides checking email), take that day and decompress. Go for a walk or spend time with the family.

Schedule posts, social media, and newsletters ahead of time. This will free you up to take care of the ever-flowing inbox or requests.

If you can afford it, hire a virtual assistant. My sister is my unofficial "assistant", helping me when I need it. Having her help certainly takes off a bit of the stress of having to do everything myself. In fact, she's taken some of the pictures I've used on the blog. If you can't afford an assistant, use a calendar app to help you organize what you need to do.

Write up a non-serious post about something silly or funny. Even if you don't publish the post, you've expended that anxiety about not wanting to blog. Plus being silly or laughing to know to make you feel better..

If you still feel burnt out on blogging, take a step back and reevaluate why you're doing it. Sometimes, bloggers, reinvent themselves or their blogs as their lives change. If you feel your life has changed, maybe your blog needs to change as well.

Have you suffered from blogger burn out, and what steps are you taking to avoid it?

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