Behind the Screen (Who I Am)

For some bloggers (like myself), it is hard to show strangers our true selves without the fear of being judged. But I started thinking, "Screw that! I don't care what anyone thinks of me. I am myself!".

So you wanna know the real me? First and foremost, I am a geek. I love Star Wars, Doctor Who, and the original Star Trek. In fact, I have a Yoda t-shirt, Yoda slippers, and a light saber flashlight. I always have a reference to those at any given moment. I am not ashamed to be a geek!

I tend to be VERY sarcastic, but never rude. There is a fine line and I know not to cross that line. But I am mostly sarcastic to friend and family. So if I am ever sarcastic towards you, consider yourself a friend!

I am also very talkative, almost to the point of being annoying. I get it honestly from my mom and dad, who both are talkative as well. Just don't catch me on a day where I've had little sleep and a lot of caffeine - you might regret it.

Last but not least, I am FAR from being a morning person. I am really grumpy when I wake up and prefer complete silence until I am completely awake. If I ever get married, my future husband better be ready for the morning monster. My mom has seen it quite a few times, as has Twin. Now they just leave me alone until I'm awake enough to socialize.

Yep, that's me - almost. There are some details I dare not disclose, but now you know more about me than you have in the past!

What is one thing about you that people would have never guessed?


  1. I love this! I have noticed a lot of bloggers write a lot of personal posts and never thought of really putting myself out there but I think I just may, who cares what others think of me! =) Nice to meet you! =)

  2. Hey, I like you already! Anyone with Yoda slippers in alright in my book! Great , honest post!

  3. That's an awesome post. I'm a love me as I am kinda girl too. I care not for morphing myself into something that others want me to be. PS I'm so grumpy in the morning I should really live with 6 other dwarfs!

  4. I am def like you with the sarcasticness ;)

  5. I love talkative people who talk about interesting and informative stuff about whatever. It's boring to have someone who doesn't communicate as much. So I guess we can be good pals.

  6. I think being a geek now is cool especially with a yoda shirt and a light saber. I also take some time to warm up in a day and prefer to be quiet til I'm fully awake.

  7. Hello dear :) Be proud and no we will not judge you base on your physical appearance. What is important is who you are and what you write. Thanks for being true!

  8. So cool that you're able to open up and share. I share tidbits of myself in every post but seldom do I open up completely. Something that people probably don't know unless they know me well... I'm easily embarrassed. As someone who is 44, I should blush when people talk about sex but I always do. (As I blush just typing that.)

  9. I am very talkative at times so I guess everyone I talk to knows me. I am the one they come to when they need an ear also. As far as geek goes I don't think you are much different from so many people. Dr. Who is an awesome show and anyone that watches it can get addicted. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Hunny, there is tons of people just like you and think the same way. So glad you did it. I bet you are now too.

  11. I love learning about other blogs.. gotta love a fellow nerd as well :)

  12. I think you and I would get along just fine! We seem to be veryyy similar! Keep on keeping on doing your thing! <333

  13. That's fun that you shared some cool facts about yourself. :)

    I'm a book nut, as in libraries make me happy book nut. I could take trips just to visit libraries and be a very happy woman.

  14. it's good putting up yourself as it helps letting yourself out.. even I have been putting out some very personal stuff if you have been reading some of mine.. if people judge you, it's their problem and not yours.. :)

  15. Thank you for sharing yourself with us Angela. I too love Star Wars and Star Trek; and anything super hero!!!!

    Keep being yourself and just have fun. Don't worry about the haters, they are always there... but have no real power!!!!

  16. I love that you have a light saber flashlight. Sounds like owning who you are is a good idea! Isn't that what blogging is, selling ourselves a bit?

  17. Atta girl! Just be you! And I'm a sarcastic Star Trek fan myself!

  18. I used to write my history notes in elvish script - can still write it if I want to :)

  19. I'm a huge Star Wars Fan, write well you do young padawan.

  20. Sweet! I'm not so alone lol
    It's rare to come across a lady who loves Star Wars as much as I do, or one who will stack Star Trek on top of it lol I like all of them, even going so far as to quote Picard in yesterday's blog entry.
    Had to go back, cite who the heck I was talking about and add a meme in there...just so I could be sure that most people would understand the reference :P
    Stack some Monty Python on top of your list and you're my sister from another mister lol

    Nice to meet you! :)
    Stopping by to leave some comment love, from the DIsh
    Alysia x

  21. Good for you for being you. You should not hide from the world for being yourself. Now I am not into star wars and what not, but I am however a totally Harry Potter Nerd. I can watch the movies over and over and over as well as read the books a thousand times.

  22. Sounds like we'd get along!! And a lightsaber flashlight? I'm jealous!

  23. It's always nice to learn more about the person behind the blog. I think ppl would be surprised to learn that I like my privacy.


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