How To Solve The Biggest Problems With Pre-Spring Cleaning

After a long cold winter, most of us are ready to air out the house and get to cleaning so the home is ready for a busy Spring and Summer. But some big problems can arise when you finally get to making that pre-Spring cleaning list.

"What problems can arise?", you ask. One major problem is figuring out where to begin. The bathroom? Bedroom? Living room? Garage? One way to decide what area to tackle first is to ask yourself which room(s) get the most traffic. In our home, that would be the living room and bedrooms. But since the living room gets the most traffic out of those two, I plan on starting with the living room. I would start with the garage, since it NEVER gets cleaned, but I think I will wait until I can convince (or bribe) the family to help. I'm thinking yard sale!

The next problem that can cause confusion is what to do next. After you have decided which room you want to clean first, take a look at the room. What issue jumps out at you first? It could be clutter, a dirty carpet, or even a pile of dusty toys. If your a family with allergies (like mine), dusting should be a number one priority. Even if you or your family doesn't necessarily suffer from dust allergies, dust can aggravate allergies on a really bad day. Since most of my family does have allergies, we try to keep the high-traffic areas as dust-free as possible. Okay, you've figured out what to do first. After writing that down, make a list of what needs to be done before you start really cleaning. I have organized our TV stand before only to realize I forgot to dust the top of the TV. Now I know why I was sneezing while organizing!

The last problem that can cause the most irritation is how to do pre-Spring cleaning and regular Spring cleaning without it costing an arm and a leg. Take an inventory of what you already having and then make a list of what you need. Keep an eye out for sales and deals for what you need and buy accordingly. Remember- only buy what you need! The last thing you want is to buy 3 bottles of cleaner and only need 1 1/2. I mean, I guess you can keep the other bottle of cleaner for when you need it, but wouldn't that cause more clutter wherever you store your cleaning supplies?

Pre-Spring cleaning is just for you to get into the mode of regular Spring cleaning. No one likes to clean (except maybe me), but it needs to done. Does anyone have a cleaning fairy they are willing to loan me? I promise to return it just as it was given!

What do you like or hate about cleaning? I personally hate sweeping. Hello, allergies! Achoo!

1 comment:

  1. I've been trapped in the house with our winter dust so long that I want to take the house apart piece by piece to clean it and put it back together. I don't think I've ever been in the mood to do a deep cleaning so badly in my life.


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