Love your new smile with #SmileBrilliant!

I was NOT compensated for this review/giveaway. I received a FREE SmileBrilliant! LED Whitening system to review. All thoughts/opinions are my own. Your experience may differ.

Taking care of our teeth is very important to our health, but we also want our teeth to look good at the same time. There are tons of toothpastes that claim they can whiten your teeth, but they won't change the actual color of your natural teeth.

So why use it then? The tooth is composed of 2 main visible components:
- Enamel
- Dentin

Enamel is a clear and hard protective coating that rest on top of the dentin which is a soft bone like tissue. Everyone's enamel is clear and collects tough to remove stains over time however not everyone's dentin is naturally bright white. Some are fortunate to have naturally bright white dentin while others have an off white or in rare cases a yellow colored dentin. Teeth whitening will only remove the stains from the enamel thus revealing the true color of your dentin.
Teeth Whitening Tray
SmilleBrilliant! helps you remove stains to your dentin with their teeth whitening products. They offer a myriad of products to help your whiten your dentin like Whitening Trays, Whitening Gel, Whitening Pen, LED Teeth Whitening, and Desensitizing Gel.

If you are curious about how applications work, one whitening pen contains enough gel for 5-8 applications on the top front teeth. If you want whiten all of your teeth, the number goes down. Keep in mind that if you had dental work prior to using a SmileBrilliant! system, your teeth may end up as two different shades. I must also touch on that you must NOT use teeth whitening systems on untreated cavities. This may cause extreme tooth sensitivity. It is probably a good idea to get your dentist's okay before starting a whitening routine.

You can find SmilleBrilliant! on Facebook and Twitter.

You can purchase SmilleBrilliant! LED Teeth Whitening for $39.95.

LED Whitening System
I've never had pearly white teeth, even ask a youngster. I would brush my teeth when I was supposed to, but as I got older, I realized that my dentin wasn't a brilliant white color. Of course, now I realize that the "teeth whitening" toothpastes weren't really whitening my teeth but erasing some stains on my dentin. Instead of getting rid of some of the stains, I wanted to see if I can get rid of at least 70% of the stains.
LED light
I was a little apprehensive about trying SmilleBrilliant! LED Teeth Whitening system, since many of the toothpastes never got my teeth a little brighter. So I put the gel on my teeth (Blech! It doesn't taste good at all.), put the mouth guard over my teeth, and put the LED to my mouth. After 25 minutes, I did notice a slight difference, but not much of one. But a few days later, when I wanted to try it again, I came down with a cold and then a week later, some sort of stomach bug. So the idea of putting that gel in my mouth did NOT appear attractive to me.

So about a few days later, after I was feeling well, I did it again, but this time for about 45 minutes. Those extra 20 minutes did help! I noticed a stark difference- my once not-so-white teeth were much brighter! I probably won't do it every day, but every couple of weeks, along with brushing my teeth regularly. And yes, it is relatively simple to use. Though I have to be honest- I still don't know what that little blue bush is for.

Maybe now I can dazzle single men with my pearly white smile! Just kidding, of course.


You know you want pearly whites of your own! What person doesn't want a brighter smile? One(1) winner will receive their very own SmileBrilliant! LED Whitening system! Enter below. Good luck!


  1. I plan on whitening my teeth after I am done with my Invisalign.

  2. That looks like a great giveaway! I've always wanted to whiten my teeth!

  3. I'd love to try one of these but I'm kind of hesitant because it's not really formed to the shape of your teeth, so I have a feeling there would be white on the front of your teeth but discoloration still in the cracks. Have you noticed that?

  4. Wow! This is REALLY genuine custom made for you only teeth stuff! You WILL see results in 3 treatments! I NEED this, I want this!

  5. i learned customers rate them 4.75/5

  6. Jenny,

    I have not noticed any discoloration in the cracks and crevices. But of course, each person's teeth is different, and you can continue the whitening process after your time is up without using the light.

  7. I learned they offer a no questions asked 100% results satisfaction warranty.

  8. I learned they have a Desensitizing Gel For Sensitive Teeth
    Pre-treatment, Used Before Whitening To Prevent Tooth Sensitivity
    sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

  9. I learned that the teeth trays are custom created for each customer.

  10. I've tried a lot of products and nothing seems to work! I recently quit smoking 7 months ago and I am very excited about whitening my smile! The trays look very unique and i think its awesome that they are custom designed for each person.

  11. I learned that they have a no questions asked 100% results satisfaction warranty.

  12. I learned that this company provides custom fitted whitening trays directly to your home.

  13. I like that they have guaranteed results

  14. LIGHTLY STAINED teeth = 3 gel syringes

  15. I learned According to the ADA those who are 13 and up who have fully developed their permanent teeth are candidates for teeth whitening; however (Smile Brilliant) encourages those under that age of 18 to consult with their dentist prior to using our product.

  16. I learned that you are supposed to use it for 4-7 days a week for 1-3 hours.

    Desiree Dunbar

  17. I learned that Smile Brilliant provides lab direct, custom-fitted teeth whitening trays and whitening gel from the comforts of

  18. 100% money back guarantee. And they have different whitening packages.

  19. I learned that SmileBrilliant! is a national dental lab

  20. I learned that it is custom-fitted!

  21. I learned that custom fittings are made to provide the best results!

  22. Although both trays are safe, the precision SmileBrilliant! Custom-Fitted Teeth Whitening Trays are more precise and more comfortable to wear. These are the exact mouthpieces that a dentist provides. They help you save Hi-Intensity Teeth Whitening Gel and are better for people who may have sensitivities to teeth whitening gels.

  23. I learned that they offer a no questions asked 100% results satisfaction warranty.
    Nicole Carter

  24. I learned that its customized for your teeth ! thats really awesome! sounds like there would be better results that way!

    Kathryn C

  25. I'm a coffee drinker so this would be really great to try ... Sounds like it would work.

  26. The company offers a 100 percent money back guarantee.

  27. They have a great warranty and you can get reimbursed if you are unsatisfied! Thanks so much for the chances to win.

  28. I learned that pre-treatment helps with teeth sensitivity

  29. I learned that the company is located in St. Louis, Missouri.


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