Accepting guest posts for March!

(Photo by Ambro | FreeDigitalPhotos)
We have decided to make March "Women's Month", where we will talk about being a superwoman, heart health, stress, and everything that that deals with being a woman in today's world. I am currently accepting guest posts on the following topics:
  • Dealing with stress (especially raising a family while working).
  • Beauty (Quick makeup tips, ways to keep skin healthy, easy/quick hair tips, etc.)
  • Heart Health (general topic to a healthy heart for women.)
Right now, I only need 2-3 guest posts. Your posts will be seen by over 4000 Facebook followers, 5000 Twitter followers, 360 e-mail subscribers, and many more over StumbleUpon, Pinterest, and other social media.

All posts must be 250 words at least and include 1 original image. The image will allow it to be pinned on Pinterest and picked up on StumbleUpon. 

Want to be part of Women's Month? Click here to sign up!

Deadline to sign up is February 28th so sign up now!

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