Why Christmas is different this year...

Let me start off by saying that Christmas this year didn't exactly turned out as our family had planned. We have more gifts this year (thanks solely to Swagbucks and wins) but because they had cut back where Dad works, money is still super tight. Even the candy in the stockings were bought with a Walgreens gift card I had won. We plan on heading over to my grandmother's house on Christmas Eve for good fun, family, and fun!

Usually every year, we get out a couple of nights during the month and drive around town to look at all the lights. It didn't even happen this year. We are having major car issues and we can't figure out what the problem is. So we don't end up stranded on a dark street somewhere, we have decided to forgo that tradition as well. Instead, we put up lights outside to enjoy!

It may seem depressing that we can't do that traditions we usually do, or even bake what we wanted. But instead of focusing on what we can't do or have, I have decided to focus on that at least we still have each other. We may not be having the Christmas many people are having (fridges full of food and treats- like I said, money is tight), we are enjoying the season with fun Christmas movies and making Star Wars snowflakes.

I hope next year is better (It has to be, right?), and that we can make Christmas as big or small as we want it!

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