#OriginalSprout offers worry-free luxury for your and your family!

I was NOT compensated for this review. I received the products mentioned below FREE to review. All thoughts/opinions are my own.
When it comes to body and hair care products out on the market nowadays, a lot of them have harsh chemicals that aren't only bad for you, they could be bad for babies and children! It is a scary thing to think about, isn't it?

Original Sprout offers many different products ranging from body wash (for kids and adults alike), shampoo, and too many others to name that don't have all of those harmful chemicals. They even have a a Curl Calmer for those out-of control, poofy curls.

Cradle Cap can make any parent worry. The entire Original Sprout line of shampoos, conditioners, styling products and lotions was designed with sensitive skin in mind. They even offer a Cradle Cap Comb for that sensitive area.

The good thing about Original Sprout is that their products are really worry free! Not only are they eco-friendly, they are honey free, and free from other harmful ingredients such as formaldehyde, Propylene Glycol, and completely natural.Also, it is 100% Vegan. It is safer for you and your family.

Need more convincing Original Sprout is the way to go? Some celebrities like the McDermott/Spelling family and Brooke Shields use Original Sprout!

Right now, they currently have an Original Sprout Holiday Gift Set that is perfect for the person on your gift list.

You can follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Prices vary depending on sizes (including travel sizes)

(Photo Credit)
I've been looking for an eco-friendly AND sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner that won't leave my locks feeling frizzy or dried out. But I hate the chemicals in traditional haircare because my hair is so sensitive. So when I found out I would be trying Original Sprout, I knew I wanted to try their new line of Tahitian Family Collection! I had the chance to try the Island Bliss Shampoo, Luscious Island Conditioner, and Original Sprout's Miracle Detanger.

Island Bliss Shampoo- It was a little on the thin side, which I guess accounted for it's lack of a rich lather. U will say that it did smell good and got my hair super clean. Plus it was a breeze to wash out- no left over residue!

Luscious Island Conditioner- It was thicker than the shampoo, and went on smoothly. It wasn't heavy on my hair at all. It rinsed off just as easily. Here is what I absolutely love about it- it left my hair feeling light! Most other conditioners made my hair feel heavy, even after rinsing. Loved the feeling!
Miracle Detangler- Call me dopey if you want, but for 5 minutes, I couldn't figure out how to get the damn thing to spray. I thought I had broken it. Nope- there is actually a trigger on-off toggle for it! Press left to keep you from spraying it or turn it right to allow you to continue spraying. Great idea if you have kids. But since I have tangles after every shower, I wanted a detangler that wasn't filled with chemicals but got the job done. It worked wonderfully, even detangling the worst of my tangles. It wasn't greasy, and I even noticed some shine to my just-dried hair. 

It is days later and my hair still feels great! No yucky residue and my hair is still light and airy. Yep- Original Sprout is true to their word!

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