10 of my guilty pleasures!

Photo by Lotus Head 

When I am very stressed or it's a certain time (Don't make me say it!), I like to have things nearby that make me feel better at the moment, even if I feel guilty later. But I don't just have 1 or 2. I actually have 10 guilty pleasures that I like to have through out the year.

  1. Ice cream is my #1 guilty pleasure. Whether it's Rockslide Brownie by Blue Bell or just a Drumstick, ice cream is my mainstay for guilty pleasure.
  2. Dr Pepper is another major guilty pleasure. I don't drink soda often, but when I do, I prefer Dr Pepper. It can't be Coca Cola or Pepsi. It has to be a Dr Pepper.
  3. Naps are probably something that won't cause a major breakdown in society, but I love them. I can't sleep during the Summer because it's just too hot. But when it gets cooler, I have no problem falling asleep at 3 in the afternoon and accidentally sleeping until about 6. 
  4. I know many women out there enjoy painting their nails once in a while. I, on the other hand, probably change my nail polish once a week. I only have about 10-15 bottles of nail polish, and I can't do designs, but even just a swipe of Liquid Sand by OPI just makes me feel better about my nails.
  5. I am ashamed to say that I am addicted to Pinterest. Sure, some of it is for blogging, but a lot of the times, I pin things I want to eventually get done. Maybe it never will, but it's nice to have it handy should I ever attempt it.
  6. Romance novels don't enter the house often, but when they do, I read them usually in a day. I haven't read 50 Shades of Grey. I prefer Harlequin. 
  7. I love movies. I know I've at least seen You've Got Mail at least 50 times. No joke! So I will usually buy a movie with Movies on Demand about twice a month. 
  8. I'm just as bad with music. My iPod (Yes, I still have an iPod) has probably about 4 days worth of songs I share with Twin. Is there a Music Anonymous group?
  9. I secretly dream of being caught up with technology. I've never owned a Smartphone nor an iPad. We did have a Kindle but it broke and we've never replaced it.
  10. I have a secret love affair with Cheetos.

What are some of your guilty pleasures!

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