Mighty Handle gets the job done! (Review)

We're kicking off our annual Holiday Gift Guide with the review of a handy tool that will make grocery shopping so much easier, it won't seem like a chore to bring it in!

For a while now, we have all heard about Mighty Handle, the shopping gadget that is supposed to make carrying plastic shopping bags easier. With its ergonomic grip, Mighty Handle provides  a more comfortable way to transport groceries and dry cleaning!
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Mighty Handle also prevents spills with its unique Twist-LockTM feature. Simply place your bags in the car, thread Mighty handle through the handles of the bags, twist the Mighty Handle twice and put the handle down. This will keep your eggs or even milk cartons from getting squished from a jostle of bags- or in light of the shopping season- a bag avalanche!

Once you reach your destination, just pick up the handles and go! Each Mighty Handle can hold up to 50 lbs of groceries. Mighty Handle is made of recyclable material and is made right here in the U.S.A.!

Never feel like you have to carry all your bags on my arms at once anymore- let Mighty Handle help!

Hint: This would make a great practical stockin stuffer!

You can find Mighty Handle on Facebook and Twitter.

You can purchase Mighty Handle on Amazon for $9.99 for a 2-pack.


For the longest time, I've hated bringing in groceries because we have to park so far away from the front door, and when you have to make 3 or 4 trips up and down stairs, it can be exhausting. But I was able to try out Mighty Handle and I have to say that I was really impressed! The day I received it, I actually had to go get a few things for our super small Halloween party so it was the perfect time to try it out!

I didn't do the Twist-LockTM feature because I was so rushed, it totally slipped my mind. But when I do finally get around to remembering, I promise to update this review with how it went!

As far as carrying groceries, it was PERFECT! I had about 5 bags, my purse, and the keys to carry into the house. Without Mighty Handle, I would have had to put something down and since it was sort of raining, that was not an option. Who wants to put down 5 bags of deliciousness just to unlock the door especially if some of that deliciousness is chocolate? Not me! With the Mighty Handle, I was able to carry all 5 bags comfortably and was able to unlock the door without putting my chocolate down. Oh, and I was able to do it all in one trip! Yeah!

I love that Mighty Handle is not thin or flimsy. It is actually pretty thick and strong. It doesn't twist when you're using it at all, which will definitely come in handy when it comes to carrying in Thanksgiving groceries. I might have to get a couple of more so that when I take someone else shopping with me, they can help carry in groceries! Hey- us ladies can use all the help we can get, right?

I was NOT compensated for this review. I received a FREE Mighty Handle to review. All thoughts/opinions are my own. Your experience may differ. If you're interested in having your product(s)/service(s) featured in our Holiday Gift Guide, please contact us.


  1. This is TOO cool!! Why did no one (like me, I guess) ever think of this before? I have no car so I have to lug all my grocery bags home 5 or 6 blocks, and they're hard to carry. I;m definitely getting this!!!! scain54 (at) aol (dot) com


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