#Energems: Energy with a kick! (Review)

Let's face it- us women need extra energy to get us through a busy day of family, work, and play. The juggling act of car pools, household chores and in many cases a full-time job makes modern parents wish they had a little support.

Energems were created primarily for the modern, on-the-go person who wants an alternative to the inconvenience of liquid energy drinks and shots. They want an energy solution that tastes great, is low-calorie, easy to transport and allows them to “energize” as needed, when needed.  If someone likes the flavor or chocolate (and who doesn't) they’ll love Energems!
Energems are made with real milk chocolate and a hard coating with delicious flavors like Chocolate Charge, Peanut Butter Blast, and Mint Fusion. Each supplement contains  caffeine, B-vitamins and a unique energy blend, to help you continue with your busy day without that inevitable crash. Each "gem" is only 15 calories so it won't put a dent in your diet!

So how does it work? For every 3 "gems" (1 serving), it is like consuming an energy drink or a cup of very strong coffee. Each serving has 75mg of caffeine. Each box comes with 9 "gems", or 3 servings. However, do NOT consume more than 2 boxes of Energems per day. Each serving should be consumed hours apart. Only take the amount you know your body can handle. Also, since this not candy, keep Energems out of reach of children!

So if you need more energy to get through your hectic day without the jitters of energy drinks or coffee, pick up some Energems!

Energems is holding a giveaway- you could win a 6 month supply of Energems (6 x 12 count boxes cartons of any flavor combination)!

You can follow Energems on Facebook and Twitter.

You can purchase Energems online or find them in your area using the store locator. You can receive 20% OFF all online Energems purchase using the code NRGTOMO upon checkout. Available in your area? Download this coupon good for $1.00 OFF that can be redeemed at Dollar General and other participating retailers.

Peanut Butter Blast
I am not ashamed to say that I sometimes have trouble finding the energy to finish my day without wanting a nap. But since I take care of my mother, blog, and other life necessities, naps aren't an option. And now that I've gotten busier because of the Holidays, I find myself getting a tad grumpy when my energy level drops below that level of a child-like tantrum. I would usually have a soda, cup of coffee from my Keurig, or even an Espresso shot can. It would work for a while but after the caffeine buzz wears off, I am right back where I started. It was a vicious cycle!

In need of something that would keep my energy level going all day, I couldn't wait to try Energems. Chocolate and caffeine? Impossible! But I tried Peanut Butter Blast first, and it was delicious. I decided to take only 1 "gem", so I can see how it affected me. You had the taste of milk chocolate, a smidgen of peanut butter, and a light bitter flavor from the caffeine. More importantly, I felt the effects of the Energem within 10 minutes. It didn't jolt me into cleaning the house from top to bottom in one day (Nothing could do that for me!), but I felt a nice slow flow of energy. I was able to redecorate the tree after my cat, Smokie, knocked it down the other night by myself and even begin some laundry without feeling worn out. Better yet- no jitters. Maybe I finally found something that works!

I tried the Chocolate Charge the next day with the same results, but instead of peanut butter, it was chocolate through and through. Yum! The Mint Fusion was a little minty for my taste but then again, I'm not a major fan of minty flavors. Results for the Mint Fusion? Pretty much the same with minty breath.

Maybe Energems can help me finish my Christmas shopping- to the stores!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. All thoughts/opinions are my own. Your experience may differ.

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