Hospital Update... Somewhat.

Yesterday afternoon, Mom told us that she needed to go to the hospital. So I text Dad at work (because for some odd reason, he never hears his phone when it rings) and within 10 minutes, he was home and we were on our way.

Mom's symptoms started on Saturday and were getting progressively worse. She was hoping that it would get better, but it never did. At first, we thought it was her pacemaker, but someone came in to check and she still has 9 years left on the battery. It was an okay visit, except that the first doctor was really sort of condescending. You guys know that kind of year we've had, and he was just acting like he could have cared less. It was really upsetting Mom that he was treating her this way, which in turn, made me angry. But I didn't say anything because I was there for support.

Anyways, Mom was contemplating to call back our cute and funny nurse and tell him we wanted to go home. We stuck it out because we were both really worried about what was happening. What was worse was that no really knew what was wrong.

7-hour long story short, there was a shift change and a more knowledgeable doctor came in, asked her a lot of question, did some non-stressful tests, and said that he wanted to admit her. So Twin, Dad, and I waited in the ER room (and later in the main lobby) while they took her the room. For some reason, that cute and funny nurse jacked her bed up almost to the ceiling. Not a good idea for a sick person who is afraid of heights. My cute nurse did that when I was in the hospital back in January to put in an IV and when he was done, I looked over the edge of the bed and said, "Do you expect me to jump if I have to go to the bathroom?".

Anyways, they got her into the room, took her vitals, and took her blood pressure. I think they're going to do some tests today. I haven't called her yet because I've been up since 4am (What was I thinking?!), and I've been busy doing chores. Who knew laundry would pile up even if no one is home? We plan to visit her this afternoon as soon as Dad gets off work.

I do have some reviews and giveaways coming your way, but when they'll be posted all depends on what happens the next few days. I do promise that they will eventually get posted. Bear with me this week! I have a feeling that caffeine will become my best friend.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your mom's symptoms alleviate soon and the hospital stay helps her! I've had to deal with condescending doctors and I completely agree, it's really frustrating to not get angry. I also can relate to being jacked up on a hospital bed that seems like a huge jump just to make it to the floor. I think nurses forget that it's hard to get up and in while being bedridden. I hope that things don't become too chaotic for you the rest of the week.


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