Get more restful sleep with Avinol PM! (Review)

Do you have a hard time falling asleep? Do you toss and turn or wake up throughout the night? Are you constantly tired in the morning? Avinol PM can help.

Avinol PM is a gentle herbal sleep aid that helps you fall asleep easily and sleep through the night. It non-habit forming and won't leave you sleepy or groggy in the morning. Avinol PM's ingredient list boasts herbal sedatives and remedies that have been used for generations to ensure a great night's sleep. These include:


*5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan)
*Lemon Balm Extract
*Chamomile Extract
*Passion Flower Powder
*Orange Peel

Simply place one Avinol PM tablet under your tongue and allow it to dissolve, gently whisking you away to dreamland. Enjoy a restful night's sleep and a well-rested morning with Avinol PM.

You can purchase Avinol PM on their website. 


I have a hard time falling asleep because my mind won't shut up or I'm thinking about the next day's "to-do" list. I've taken melatonin but it wake up in the middle of the night. I've taken Unisom but I wake up with a sleep medicine hangover. I needed something that would help me fall asleep gently and wake up more refreshed. I have to be honest, I was a little nervous to try Avinol PM because I didn't want to wake up in the middle of the night or wake up feeling like I was drunk the night before.

That first night, I let the tablet dissolve and within minutes, I was feeling very sleepy. I was having trouble focusing on my crochet so I decided to head to bed. Within minutes of closing my eyes, I was off to dreamland. It's been a long time since I've slept so hard. I woke up feeling more rested than the previous night. The next few nights I took it, the same thing happened. So I knew I was at least getting more rest than I would with melatonin.'

Because I am getting more rest, I don't have to take it every night. And it is NOT habit-forming at all. Sometimes when I have a hard time falling asleep, I keep forgetting to take it! It works fast and works very well.The only thing is that the tablet has somewhat of a bitter taste that I can't get used to. It kind of tastes like those bouillon tablets. Don't ask how I know. LOL

Avinol PM works like it says it does. I can finally get sleep

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