See The Artwork of Steampunk! (Review)

NOTE: Because this book is a little different from other books we have reviewed, the review will be different from our other book reviews. This post may contain affiliate links.

So what exactly is steampunk? Steampunk is Victorian-era science fiction. Since the nineteenth century, steampunk has been gaining popularity. Ever seen 20.000 Leagues Under the Sea? That's a steampunk movie.

Airship Voyager; Camryn Forrest
The Art of Steampunk by Art Donovan (author and steampunk artist) features extraordinary devices, artwork, and sculptures from the leading steampunk artists. These artists take you on a futuristic ride through the world of steampunk. They use gears, metal, gadgets, leather, and other materials to get that brassy look that is steampunk.

IBM predicts 2013 as the year for steampunk..."

 The Art of Steampunk is a revised second edition.

You can view Art Donovan's designs on ArtSpan.

You can purchase The Art of Steampunk Revised Second Edition on Amazon.

Datamancer; Richard Nagy
Twin got interested in steampunk earlier this year, and I eventually got curious and starting gaining some interest in it myself. When I found out that we would have the chance to review The Art of Steampunk, it was kind of exciting!

When I started flipping through the pages, I was greeted with stunning pictures and unique pieces of art. Some didn't interest me because some of them just seemed too "machine-like". But some of the pieces were mind-boggling! Steampunk artist Richard Nagy created a WORKING steampunk computer!
Mikhail Smolyanov motorcycles

Another artist by the name of Ian Crichton made slide-on steampunk cases for MP3 players, mobile
telephone (That's what it says in the book!), and one even contained a digital camera!

Even if you're not into steampunk like we are, you will marvel at the imagination these amazing artists have.

I decided that since Twin was more into steampunk than I currently am, she should have the book. I don't know if I'll ever see it again.

I was NOT compensated for this review. I received a copy of The Art of Steampunk by Art Donovan to review. All thoughts/opinions and pictures are my own (besides main book picture). Your experience may differ. If you are interested in having your product(s) or service(s) featured on Edge of Insanity, please e-mail us


  1. Very cool! I'll have to check it out!

  2. I love Steampunk, there is a certain fun to it.


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