Are you living a mindful life? (Review)

Have you ever wanted to become more mindful in your life? Mindfulness offers both a set of techniques and a way of living that can lead towards greater peace, wisdom, and joy.

Mindfulness Workbook for Dummies contains ways to achieve and practice mindfulness in your life. It is chock full of worksheets, exercises, tips, and so much more to help you on your mindful journey.Being mindful has been known to help with not only the positive in your life, but also depression, stress, anxiety, and some physical/emotional pain.
Aside from the workbook, the book lists several websites where you can find audio meditation techniques, retreats, and more information about mindfulness.

You can purchase Mindfulness Workbook for Dummies for $19.99 US.

Since life has been really stressful this year, I am having a hard time dealing with the present. I always look back to the past or ahead to the future. Either one is scary and not very helpful, which can be emotionally draining. So when I learned I would be reading Mindfulness Workbook for Dummies, I was a little nervous. Can being mindful truly help my current state of being?

For a short answer, I think it can. As I look through the book daily, I am able to take away little tidbits or thoughts to help me not only get through the day but notice things I normally wouldn't- like how grateful I am to have the things we need, no matter how little it is.

I still have a long way to go before I can achieve being mindful. I'm still sort of unforgiving towards a few people. There are times that I can't wait for the day to end. But I work through the worksheets, and I am back to realizing that I am in the "now". Those worksheets definitely help and I will probably end up making copies for future times.

I love that the book gently brings you into being mindful. I also love that it has meditation techniques, and having done meditation before, some of these techniques I have never tried- like the Body Scan!

It might not be a major goal, but I hope to be mindful and finally have inner peace by the time I turn 30 next year. I think the Mindfulness Workbook for Dummies might help me with that goal.

I was NOT compensated for this review. I received a FREE copy of Mindfulness Workbook for Dummies to review. All thoughts/opinions are my own. Your experience may differ. If you're interested in having your product(s)/service(s) featured on Edge of Insanity, e-mail us.

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