Have soft, shiny hair for cheap!

Hair After ENJOY
Last year, I was able to review ENJOY Hair care, and it left my hair feeling oh so good. It was shiny, soft, and manageable. And for the longest time, I have wanted to have my hair like that again. But I can't see spending $10 on a bottle of shampoo and $10 on a bottle of conditioner that won't last long. So I decided to try a couple of things that were cheap and here is what worked:

1. Double conditioning. After shampooing, you can use your normal conditioner as directed. Once you have rinsed out the conditioner, condition again. This time, leave it in for about 3 minutes, while massaging it into your hair. Rinse, and wring out the water. Extra water can actually make your hair drier.

2. Rinse with cool water. Rinsing with cool water closes up your hair's cuticles, keeping any heat away. Plus the heat can create humidity in your hair, leaving it a frizzy mess. Also, skip a day of shampooing. The shampoos strip your hair's natural oils.

3. Condition with a condiment. Mayo is usually reserved for sandwiches, but it is a also a GREAT conditioner! Just rub any mayo on damp hair (Make sure you wet your hair with WARM water.) for 20 minutes. Rinse and shampoo as you normally would. Voila- soft shiny hair! NOTE: If you have oily hair, I do not suggest using this method. The oil will keep the mayo from penetrating and conditioning your hair.

4. Leave-in serum. If you are really adamant about conditioning your hair after your shower, you can either buy a leave-in serum or find a recipe that works for you. While it can be expensive, I've heard that coconut oil is great for a leave-in conditioner. It tames the frizzies. Since we have a jar of coconut oil, I might have to try that one soon!

What are some cheap, but excellent ways that you take care of your hair?

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