Why I Started Blogging...

A lot of people don't know this, but I had a blog back in 2008-2009 called Texas Banter. It wasn't a money-saving blog or anything that Edge of Insanity is today. It was just a little blog where I posted personal thoughts and some reviews. I started it while I was in a relationship and it chronicled my relationship all the way up to where I found myself single again. It was a nice outlet for those feelings.

Forward to 2011- the economy hit my family hard. My father lost his job and that was when Mom started having her health issues so I had to stay home to take care of her. Without any steady income, we had to find ways to save money without coupons because even with coupons, brand names were too expensive for us. So through trial and error, we found a system that worked for us. Since I knew a lot of families were going through the same thing we were, I wanted to let them know that there were ways to save money when you don't have the resources to coupon.

I know our exact system won't work for every family, but to know that they can mold into their own system, if I help one family, I feel like I must be doing something right.


  1. I loved getting to hear your story. I'm glad blogging has worked out so well for you!

  2. I loved reading this post. I have been wondering why so many people blog. Wondering if it something I can do... You are a GREAT daughter taking care of your Mom! I hope she is well now. I enjoy coming to your blog. You do a wonderful mix of information. Thank you!


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