30 Flat or 20 Folded Holiday Cards for $10 Shipped!!

Before you know it, the holidays will be here. And that means you’ll need greetings to share with friends, family, and colleagues. Instead of buying the boring boxed variety, consider adding your own personal touch with a custom card. Whether your circle celebrates Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali, or New Year’s, you’ll find just what you need at a very special price of just $10 for 20 flat cards or 30 folded cards

By getting started now, you’ll not only save money but you’ll get the beautiful designs you want, too. Plus, you’ll cross one of those nagging holiday to-do tasks off the list early, giving you have more time to celebrate the season with close family and friends. 

When it comes to designing your cards, make it a family affair. Encourage kids to get involved by giving them a variety of snapshots to choose from – like pictures of your family pet or an arts and crafts project. 

Consider creating multiple cards to send the right message to the people you care about most. Add photos of your little angels and you’re sure to get smiles from grandma. Upload candid reunion shots to share a sentimental piece of home with loved ones near and far. Don’t forget to let business colleagues know they’re appreciated with a special seasonal message. 

After the holidays, custom greetings are the perfect keepsake to remind you of all your wonderful memories from 2012. 

Shipping: FREE!

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