Taylor Swift Red Review

Before you start complaining that I'm just "hating" because I don't have any talent, please understand that regardless of how I feel about a certain artist or their music, I listen to EVERY album with an unbiased ear. I do not rate songs just because I don't like the artist or anything. I go with how the song makes me feel. As you can see below, most of the songs were a 3 or higher!

  1. State of Grace... 3/5- It hardly sounds like a country song or like it's from Taylor Swift. The melody sounds like something Katy Perry would sing, but I have to give Taylor props for reaching her voice more in this song. But to be honest, I have no clue what it's about. LOL
  2. Red... 4/5- This one is MORE like the Taylor Swift we know. The chorus I don't care for because of the robotic "red" constantly said, but it's a song I can tap my toes to while I blog. The teenagers will definitely enjoy this song because it is upbeat.
  3. Treacherous... 2/5- I really don't care for this song. It's too breathy and the words are too simple for Swift. She constantly repeats "treacherous" through out the song, which can get annoying. The only thing I liked the was the background music  and melody- nice and moody.
  4. I Knew You Were Trouble... 3/5. There are somethings I love about this song and song I absolutely don't like. The speedy part, which seems more like a dance song, I like. I grew up with that kind of music so I can relate. But the other part of the song, where she says "e-e-e-e" in some areas of the song, it's just really unnecessary  This song is FAR from the country princess we know and love. It's more pop. I gave it a higher score because it's a song that reminds me of the 90's dance pop I grew up with.
  5. All Too Well... 4/5- If you're feeling angry and need an angry angsty song, this would be the one for you! I'm currently feeling that way (as I listen to it), so I I feel a connection to the song. A great way to let go of any angry emotions!
  6. 22... 1/5- Get made at me if you want, but I didn't care for this song. The word- or number, rather- 22 was in almost every sentence of the song. But I will say this- who wouldn't wanna stay 22?
  7. I Almost Do... 3.5/5- This was a pretty good song. It has that Taylor Swift sound we all know and love (or love to hate). The lyrics, again, are pretty simple. But  considering the music and melody, it fits very well
  8. We Are Never Getting Back Together... 1/5- Chalk it up to heartbreak. It's a very angry (and I mean) angry song. But this song is a LONG way off from songs like "You Were Meant For Me" and "Teardrops On My Guitar". A song mixed with talking and weird singing makes it seem like it was done by someone who hasn't been winning Grammy's. Swift (and the writers) missed the bar on this one.
  9. Stay Stay Stay... 4.5/5- This is a pretty good song that we expect Swift to have. It just oozes (in a good way!) Taylor Swift, and the words are pretty catchy.
  10. The Last Time... 5/5- This song features Gary Lightbody from Snow Patrol (Who?!). Though I have never heard of Snow Patrol, I think this is a beautiful song! The beautiful blend of voices is enough to make you sit up and listen to not only the melody but the words. Beautiful song!
  11.  Holy Ground... 4.5/5- This song has remnants of a by-gone 80's song (minus the lyrics). If you're driving down the highway, you'll find yourself putting this song on and getting lost in the music. The only thing that got on my nerves was the word "dance" after every other few words.
  12. Sad Beautiful Tragic... 5/5- This is a VERY slow song. If you're trying to stay awake, don't listen to this song. You'll just end up daydreaming and fall asleep. I love the music, it's very slow and melodic. The words are very pretty as well.
  13. The Lucky One... 4/5- I have noticed that in her albums, she alternates between slow and fast songs. This one is in between. It isn't too fast-paced or too slow to be considered a ballad. 
  14. Everything Has Changed... 3.5/5- It's a duet with Ed Sheeran, and I'm sorry, I have no clue who he is. It's an okay song. The lyrics are pretty good and the melody is actually very pretty. The voices just don't blend as well as it did with The Last Time.
  15. Starlight... 4/5- What can I say- it's typical Taylor Swift and I actually like the song!
  16. Begin Again... 2.5/5- It's okay. It's better to have love and lost than to have never loved before. Right, Taylor?

Total Rating: 4/5. As you can see, some songs were hit and miss. And when I say that pretty much all 16 songs are about love or losing love, I am not kidding. The only song NOT about love is "22", which is pretty much about wanting to stay 22-years-old. As you can tell, it definitely got better towards the end. If you're looking for the country princess we grew to love, then you're not going to like this album. It is filled with much more pop-ish songs. I read some reviews online (out of curiosity) and most of them hated the album. But I think it will eventually grow on me. Because I like to give every album a chance, I listened with an unbiased thought, despite any feelings I may have about the artist. 

I was NOT compensated for this review. I received a FREE Taylor Swift Red CD to review. All thoughts/opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Man! 22 is probably my most fave song off here, but I did find quite of bit of the songs not that likable


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