Sticker Hub makes any room fun! {Review}

Trying to spruce up a boring bedroom can be hard. I've been trying for years to find wall decor that makes the room look fun without going overboard. Thanks goodness for Sticker Hub!

Sticker Hub isn't your run-of-the-mill wall decals! Most of their printed wall decal kits are actually reusable and re-ponsitionable for up to 5 years (indoor use only)! Which means that if you put them on the wall and you get tired of the way it looks after a year, you can move them around to fit your style! Want a sticker to hand out to all of your buddies? You can customize your own stickers from Due Cut Sticker Sheets with pre-designed shapes.
Elf North Pole Wall Decal Kit 01

For the Printed Wall Decals, you have so many choices, you'll want them all! Since Christmas is only a few months away, their Holiday decal are a great way to decorate for the Holidays and yet, you can move them around as you start putting up the tree! The Elf North Pole Wall Decal Kit 01 will make everyone feel like they've been moved to the North Pole for the season. They also have Halloween, Easter, and other Holiday decals available.

Want to make your baby's nursery adorable? Their decals and kits will any child (or parent) giggle with delight with decals like the Jungle Animals Wall Decal Kit 01 or Princess Large Castle Wall Decal Kit! They have many other choices to choose from that kids and parents alike will love!

Many other categories include Military, Animals & Insects, Games, Characters, and many many more!

You can find Sticker Hub on Facebook and Twitter.

You can purchase the Circles Wall Decal Kit 02 for $58.99.

I love wall decals, but after a while, I get tired of looking at the same design in the same spot for months, or even years. When I found out I would be reviewing Sticker Hub, I delightfully chose something that I could change to fit my current mood or style, which is why I went the Circles Wall Decal Kit. I love the psychedelic look of it, and it looked like fun to put up!

We're still in the process of doing the walls but because of cold weather settling in, we've had to pause that. These would be a great way to cover up those spots!

Cool, huh?
If you think they look small on the website, they aren't! Some circles easily reach a diameter of 12 inches, and the smallest are about 2 inches in diameter. They sure make a statement! They were super easy to peel off the paper, and put on the wall. You don't need any installation tools to put them up, and they are heavy duty. If you're wondering about them being movable, they truly are! When Twin was helping me put them on the wall, she would take one off and move it to another area. It didn't rip the paint off the wall and the decal didn't tear at all. Smooth them out with your hands or fingers, and you're done!

As you can see on the door frame, they are thin enough to put on textured areas, and it looks like they were painted- well, except that really big one in the middle of the door. We didn't exactly plan that out right. But when my mood changes and I want the whole room to look like fun, I think they'll stay right there until it's time to put up the Christmas decorations, and they'll be moved to the whole room. It might be a great accent to the Holiday decorations at that!

I was NOT compensated for this review. I received a FREE Circles Wall Decal Kit 02 to review. All thoughts/opinions are my own.

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