Faithful Shadow Review

Author: Kevin J. Howard
ISBN: 9781432794354
Published: August 2012
Pages: 388

Yellowstone is suffering from the largest forest fire in the park’s history. Ranger JOE RAND, once passionate about nature and now drowning in alcohol after the recent death of his son, notices something is very wrong after a string of disappearances. When a fireman is found dead in the Old Faithful Inn after falling into a hole earlier that day, his body mauled and deprived of all its fluids, Joe knows he has no choice but to set down his flask and investigate. Joe and Lieutenant DALE CAFFEY of the Billings Fire Department go into the woods to search the hole the fireman had fallen into. They discover a series of tunnels lined with bones, the air thick with smoke. Joe and Dale conclude that the creature that had killed the fireman had left its subterranean dwelling to flee the overwhelming smoke from the fire above. The creature takes shelter inside the Inn, concealing itself within the darkened crevices, emerging only to feast on passersby. After staging an evacuation of the park, they lock themselves inside the Inn to hunt the creature. After just a short while it becomes frighteningly clear that, in fact, the creature that is hunting them.

I finished this just in time for Halloween! I first started reading it in the middle of September but it was so hot with temperatures still in the 90's, I had a hard time getting into the story. So I put it down until it got to October, and just finished it last night! All I can say is- What a ride!

The book starts out with this couple dragged away from their camp into the depths of hell by what seems to be some sort of monster. A few days (or weeks) later, another couple who is ripped from their sleeping bags  while they having fun with some friends. The ranger thinks something happened, but don't think foul play is involved. The friends think different. Day in and day out, firemen, employees, and tourists start disappearing or dying in terrible ways. Can they stop this thing before it kills everyone in Yellowstone Park?

The vivid details makes you feel like you're actually seeing it. As I read the whole book, I could see everything in my mind, like a movie. I was terrified as they tried to kill the monster. But as you read, you start questioning yourself- it is truly a monster or something else? You will be gripped from page one and will not want to put the book down. There are some lulls in the book, but that's part of every book, right? I loved it!

You can purchase Faithful Shadow on Amazon for $15.95 on Amazon. An e-book version is also available.

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