Credit Card + Home Shopping= Me!

As Halloween turns into Christmas (Not really. Just go with me here for a second), I have found myself turning the TV on and turning the channel to either HSN or QVC. I will wake up at 7 in the morning because Smoke, my 9-year-old female tortie kitty, demands to be fed. Instead of just trying to find something to watch, I turn it to QVC to see what Christmas goodies they are showing. Even this morning, they were showing some cool new remote control car that lit up with wheels that were just tumbling all over the place. I immediately thought that my 51-year-old father, who is a kid at heart, would love it.

I thought about picking up the phone ordering 1 (or 2) until I realized something- How am I going to pay for it?! I don't have the money to buy it, so I depressingly put the phone back down and continued to watch, even as they showed the most beautiful decorations and more adorable toys. Sure, I have a cousin who would love the doll or a friend who's son would love the handheld game.

It seems I have found my weakness- home shopping! It's much more exciting that buying on Amazon. The hosts make it seem like they're having so much fun. The actual reviews make me want to rush to that phone and hand over my credit card number like it was no big thing. But I still have actual presents I need to get and can't see myself spending hundreds of dollars on home shopping that I will just end up keeping myself.

I think it's time to put my credit card in the freezer until Black Friday. Oy.

1 comment:

  1. I like QVC in the background and I'm pretty good about not buying anything, but when they premiered, I literally had 20 boxes coming per week.


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