Wonderfully Raw Coco-Roons Review

Have you ever wanted to snack on something sweet but totally unique? I'm like that way all the time!

Wonderfully Raw's Coco-Roons are definitely unique! Each Coco-Roons are packed with naturally raw and organic ingredients, including dried coconut, raw almond flower, and unfiltered maple syrup. All of them are USDA Organic certified, so you know you're getting the organic goodness without tons of chemicals! Flavors include Brownie, Apple PieLemon Pie, Almond & Strawberry ("PB &J"), Vanilla Maple, and Cacao Nib.

You can find Wonderfully Raw Coco-Roons on Facebook and Twitter.

You can purchase each flavor for $8.99.

I'm always looking for something to snack on, especially if it's sweet. I also happen to love coconut, so I was excited to try Coco-Roons! While Twin really can't have coconut (it makes her stomach upset), she had no trouble helping me review these. I also gave Mom a few, who thought they were so delicious and unique!

Sorry it's blurry!
Brownie- It actually tasted like a coconut brownie- I kid you not! It was moist, tasted mostly of coconut, but with a hint of chocolate. Dad, who never really helps me review items, had one and loved it! Twin wish there was more in each bag.
Apple Pie-This one had the most flavor! It really didn't taste of apple, but you can tell it had the most flavor packed into each bite. The spices were great!
Lemon Pie- This one had more of a "lemon pie" flavor. If you had closed your eyes, you could taste the lemon filling with the pie crust.
Vanilla Maple
Almond & Strawberry ("PB&J")- This one confused me a little! This tasted just like PB&J! You don't even have to close your eyes to imagine it! With bits of strawberry studded in and around it, it was like having peanut butter and strawberry preserves!
Vanilla Maple- This one had a much sweeter taste to it, especially with the maple. But I tasted mostly maple and coconut with this one.
Cacao Nib-If you've ever had raw cacao nib, you know it tends to be a little bitter. But the cacao nib wasn't bitter at all. If there was any bitterness, the sweetness from the maple syrup and coconut overcame it. It was good, but not a favorite.

The only problem I had was that each of the Coco-Roons had an overpowering taste of coconut. So if you're not a fan of coconut, these aren't for you. But I would gladly buy them again just because they are sooooooooo good!

I was NOT compensated for this review. I received a FREE sample of each flavor from Wonderfully Raw to review. All thoughts/opinions are my own.

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