FREE UPS My Choice alerts!

Note: This post contains sponsored content.

We're used to getting packages by UPS. But before UPS My Choice, we had no clue when they arrived. Either we weren't home, not feeling well, and we even ended up missing special occasions because the package didn't arrive in time. But thanks to UPS My Choice, we know exactly when the package will arrive! There have been times when we will even track the package all day (especially if it is one we're excited about) just so we know exactly when it arrives.

If you know you're not going to be home, you can always change the delivery to next door or even to another address (like work). Better yet- you get alerts at least 24 hours in advance that a package will be arriving to your doorstep, that way you can be home when it comes.

Get alerts before packages arrive, Electronically authorize packages for drop-of, re-route to other locations and many other options. All you have to do is enter a valid information (address, username, password, e-mail, etc.) in order to get the most up-to-date deliveries. Sign up now!

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