Hospital Visits

I want to apologize to my readers for being absent for the past, well, week. Last Tuesday, I ended up getting the flu, and since we still don't have the Internet at home, I couldn't go to the public library. Then on Friday night, we had to take Mom to the ER because she was passing out. Come to find out, she had an electrical problem with her heart, so the Cardiologist put her in SICU. We found out the next day that she would be have a pacemaker put in today (Monday, May 21st).

So instead of going the library, we kept coming up the hospital during the designated visiting hours to spend time with her. Then this morning, they took her into surgery about 7:41. She is doing okay, and already in a regular room. I don't know if they'll send her home this evening or keep her overnight to watch her blood pressure. But I have already decided that if they keep her, I will be sleeping over.

But once we get her home and on the road to recovery, then I will go back to regular posting. So that means any reviews and giveaways will be delayed. Thanks for understanding!

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